dinsdag 3 november 2009

Good, better, female entrepreneurial style?

In America, almost half of the companies are majority-owned by female entrepreneurs. Research concludes that both male and female styles of leadership can be effective, although the female style often has that extra touch.

Due to genetic differences, women are more flexible and able to multitask. First, women leaders are less competitive, listen to their workforce and enjoy building a strong team. By contrast, male entrepreneurs believe they reveal their weaknesses if they ask for guidance. Second, studies point out that women are better at empowering staff and give better feedback. Soft female traits turn out to be the key to better management. By communicating a lot more, the staff feels appreciated and is motivated to work harder.

Because of the glass ceiling, few women run the Fortune 500-list. Men see the female managing style still as weak, although male chief executives should better cross over to the “female” style of management. Women have only just started to climb the corporate ladder, give them some time.

Astrid Thienpont

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